Summertime Shade

Summer is quickly approaching and that means SUN and HEAT!! Some of us are looking forward to being a little warmer and getting out of the extreme cold weather that this past winter has brought us.  But as we start planning our trips to the beach, picnics at the park, or weekend camping excursions, we need to make one thing a priority…. SHADE!!!

Investing in a good quality, easy to set up shade covering is one of the best things you can do for your family’s outdoor enjoyment.  Being too hot and getting blistering sun burns is not my idea of a good time.   Now there is about a million products out there that offer varying degrees of shade or protection from the elements, but buying cheap will most likely get you a cheap product.  I’ve personally bought the cheapest product on the shelf before and found myself shopping for yet another shade product within weeks.  Not a good investment if you ask me.  I finally got smart and decided that spending a little extra money on a good quality product actually SAVED me money in the long run.  I’ve had my current shade for 2 years now and it’s still in excellent condition.

I guess the moral of the story is simple… you get what you pay for.  So as the days start heating up and the sun starts shining overhead, be prepared with a shade product that will last.  I personally like Kelty products (as I’ve mentioned a dozen times in my blogs).  They tend to be the best quality for the money and they are my “go-to” brand.

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